Monday, March 05, 2007

The Big Move

Howdy Stranger!

WOW, what a crazy few weeks its been. Well if you haven’t heard I was offered a job at AT&T in Irving, Texas a few weeks ago. Naturally I jumped at the chance to finally return home to the great state of Texas. I had two weeks to pack, move find a place to live and start my new job, this is no small task when your talking about moving halfway across the county. So, I frantically packed up everything I owned & with the very much appreciated help of some of my dearest friends loaded it all up on a u-haul truck. My Daddy flew up to Maryland to drive the U-haul truck but upon arrival was stuck down with what seemed like the plague.

Saturday morning sick Daddy and all we took off for the long trip to Texas. I drove my car which had both dogs & both cats, have you ever driven 26 hours with a zoo? Its fun!

Our first stretch of the trip we stopped in Birmingham, AL where we were welcomed with open arms at my great Uncle’s house. It was a much need rest not only for my sick Daddy but for the animals as well. Sunday morning we were delay by about 2 hours because I though that Steeler (the cat) got out the guest room and some how escaped from the house. I was told that I would have to leave her, then if my great Uncle & Aunt found her they would bring her to me in a week. Naturally I cried like a big baby thinking I would never see Steeler again, then like in the movies Steeler pops out from the box spring that had a hole big enough for her to hide in. So I cried even more out of happiness this time. Talk about unnecessary stress! So after that mini-drama we took off for Texas.

A few hours outside of Texas we get a call from one of my Aunts saying that the plans have been changed and I would now be staying at my brother Jeff’s house with the animals instead of my other Aunt’s house. This might not seem like that big of deal but if just caused a lot of extra confusion but it all worked out.

Then the greatest moment of the entire trip happened I crossed the Texas state line! Oh what a wonderful feeling after nine years of being gone I was finally HOME!

The first night I stayed with my brother which was nice to get a chance to visit with him and his very sweet girlfriend. However I woke up to the site of America (the girl dog) walking off the property headed towards the 4 lane major road that I would be scared to cross on foot! I flew out of bed barefooted & in pajamas ran like a crazy lady screaming AMERICA till she came back over. She was fine, just missed me & was looking for me. I then put her in the back of my car where she spent the better half of the next two days & she wouldn’t come out. She managed to squeeze her 150 lb. body between the gate and the chain link fence by prying the rope that was locking the gate loose. Now my nerves were now completely shot.

That day after I settled down a little, my Aunt, my still sick Daddy, my brother and I unloaded the u-haul truck into a storage building. That’s when I really started missing everyone who helped pack it in Maryland. (Thank ya’ll again!) I had to go and look for a place to live still. I saw two places to rent that first day. One had a shower that I am still having nightmares about much less ever try to stand naked anywhere near it, naturally I didn’t take that one. The second house would’ve been perfect except that they couldn’t let me in until the next week. So I kept looking.

The next day after looking about a dozen houses, a million no’s from landlords when asked about the pets and the move in date, I finally found one that was perfect in everyway. This is the house I live in now. It’s a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house but one bedroom is really more like an office than a bedroom. It has a garage and a shed and a sturdy fence. More importantly it has a yard twice the size of the house, so the dogs are thrilled! The first night was so much fun considering it just happened to be the coldest night in Texas and the house’s heating system wasn’t working. After a freezing cold night on the floor with only 2 blankets, I started work the next day while they fixed the heat for me. Since the first night its truly been wonderful and this house its small enough to keep super clean and big enough to not feel like a shoebox. I just finished unpacking last night with the help of my crazy Aunt, my cousins and their wives, my Mom, my dad Ray and my brother Nick.

So I now live in Fort Worth, Tx in a wonderful neighborhood where the kids play all the time and always beg me to let them play with Freedom (the big boy dog) in the front yard. I really like my house here, my favorite place is the rocking chair on the porch in the backyard where I can sit drink my ice tea, listen to the laughter of the neighborhood children and watch the dogs play in the giant yard. Its so peaceful there I actually race home just to go sit here. The super warm weather here helps too.

I started my new job the third day that I was back in Texas. I was a little frazzled and nervous from all that had happened but I did alright all things considering. I have a giant office well cubicle office, its even bigger than my manager’s! I have all the software I need and a lot of knowledgeable coworkers who all work in flash too. I am still trying to learn the ropes but I like it at AT&T. However, I do miss the warm family like atmosphere and friends that I had at Snell Enterprises Inc. and at NGA. I am sure that with time the people here and I will all warm up to each other its just a little rough sometimes being the newbie on the block.

Well I just wanted to touch base with everyone and tell ya’ll thank you so much for your continued support, encouragement, friendship and love, I will be forever indebt.

I am truly blessed to have such great friends and family, if it weren’t for you there would be no way I could have made my one dream come true…my return to Texas. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I love ya’ll and hope that one day I can return the favor and help your dreams come true too.

Please keep in touch, I miss you!

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